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Thursday, July 09, 2009

Women's Harley Boots - Irresistible "Tough" Fashion Trend

By Tonya Brisnehan

I've been keeping my finger on the pulse of a rather fun fashion trend arising over the past couple of years - what I call "edgy" fashion. More and more women are hooking into a look where feminine fashion meets "tough" resulting in an extreme and amazingly sultry style. Women's Harley Boots are right in the middle of this trend, having exactly what many women are looking for with their rugged yet feminine styles.

Most Popular Boots: Probably the most popular boots for women from Harley Davidson include the more original styles of riding boots. Styles such as the Faded Glory, El Paso and the women's version of the Hustin boot fall into this category. The Hustin boot especially has become trendy due to the fact of women's harness boots being such a hot item these days.

Additional Looks: There are other styles in the Women's Harley boots lineup, including some of the most gorgeous "tough" looking boots I've seen in some time. This is where styles such as the Bette and Darla come in - buckles, belts studs and harness (for the Darla) - combined with a rather seductive high heel will get anyone noticed, and definitely in a positive way!

A New Twist for Women's Harley Boots: While taking a good, thorough look into what exactly is available for women specifically from the Harley Davidson collection, one style stood out as particularly interesting - a western boot by the name "Dakota". Even at first glance it is easy to see that these are not just a standard pair of boots - they have a sleek look about them, noticeably soft, supple leather and are receiving some pretty great reviews from women who wear them.

All in all, I'm quite impressed by the collection of Women's Harley boots that is now available and would highly recommend them - they not only look great and are very much in fashion - they are some of the highest quality boots available for women today, and are famous for looking and wearing great for years to come.

(C) Tonya Brisnehan

Tonya researches various "corners" of women's fashion, and is a writer online.

Find the top styles for the best prices online for Women's Harley Boots: Women's Harley Boots @ Squidoo Shopping


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