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Friday, July 10, 2009

Choose the Best Backpacking Boots

By Joseph Then

Anyone who has ever backpacked knows all too well that choosing the wrong boot is a very bad thing. Your boots are about as important as your backpack. They can make or break your trip. Backpacking is about hiking and walking and everyone knows that when your shoes don't fit you can't enjoy even a simple walk.

A bad boot choice can lead to discomfort, injury and possible end your trip all together. Choosing the right boot is essential to making sure your backpacking trip is a good experience.

There is not one single type of boot that is the best. Every person has to find their own best because we do not all have the same needs. It is up to you to find that one boot type that is your best, but by learning what to look for you can find your best boot easily.

The following explains things to consider and look for so you can choose the best boot for you:

- Your usage requirements. You need to think about how often you backpack and where you backpack . Know how you will use the boots and then talk to a salesperson and research boots that are good for your intended usage.

- Try some on. The selection of boots is a process. It should take a little while. Do not settle on the first pair you try. Never just slip them on and if your foot goes in consider them good.

- Wear the socks you normally wear when hiking.

- Put them all the way on, laced up, too. You want them to be snug, but not too tight. You should be able to put two fingers in at the heel.

- Walk around the store and note every detail about how they feel. Try to walk up a step, if possible. If available, try walking with a loaded backpack. Make sure they do not rub or pinch at all.

- Try on a variety of boots even if you come across one you think is perfect.

Once you are sure you've found your best pair - buy them. Once you've bought your boots you can waterproof them and get ready to go backpacking.

Learn more about backpacking today by visiting Joseph's website at and learn more backpacking tips and even understand backpacking boots.


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